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Category: Derivatives Theory and Practise

Derivatives Theory and Practise

A single-stock exotic trader who sells structured products is essentially in the business of buying puts and worst-of puts on some of the most popular

Derivatives Theory and Practise
Structured Products = Alternative Investments ?

Asset managers tend to classify structured products as β€œalternatives”. That is rather a classification by default than the consequence of any analysis. They have cash,

Derivatives Theory and Practise
Is Optimising Structured Products Really Optimal ?

Banks and independent software companies offer optimisers / optimizers for structured products It is quite standard now for banks and software providers to offer an

Derivatives Theory and Practise
Gentlemen: How Should You Split The Bill?

Here is a question that divides etiquette specialists and offer gentlemen two options only: be a chivalrous sexist and take the full bill, or be